Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Way to Save

If you're like me, you love to save money! Now, I'm amazingly adept at cutting coupons and, more often then not, I actually remember to take them to the store with me when I go shopping which is always helpful. I like products that offer rebates too, but I sometimes slack in copying the receipt and mailing all the paperwork so I miss out on the whole thing anyway.

Where I really thrive is on-line shopping. I scour the Internet, compare prices on items and on the shipping costs, then I do a search for coupon codes and promotion codes. Last year I saved about $200, but I also spent a good deal of time (like, weeks) on this project.

That's why I'm glad I found Ebates, a site that has the rebates built right in! I got my husband's anniversary gift off of the site and, about two weeks later, I got a $10.00 check in the mail. Yesterday I was looking through the site for something small for my son for Christmas so I entered the name of the store I wanted, and up popped all the offers. I made my order, and I got $3.00 credited to my account today.

Seems pretty silly to do my on-line shopping any other way than through Ebates!

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