Sunday, December 3, 2006

If I Had Only Known

I've had issues with my two dogs. I have a pit bull/Shepard mix and a German Shepard/Rottweiler mix. They're sweet and lovable, but they have been such PITAs! They bark and anything and everything, have problems listening when we walk them (the pit has actually tried to attack the Shepard when she sees approaching dogs, so I'm sure you can guess that heeling has been out of the question), and only the pit actually understands what I mean when I say "sit!".

It's been a rough road, but I've finally found something to help us. I was considering going to a training class with them, but I just don't have the time. When could I fit it in with 3 jobs, a home to take care of, and my three year old son? I found the answer: On-line dog training help! There are tons of helpful techniques for even the 'toughest dogs' out there, and they focus on positive training techniques which was very important to me.

Click Here to begin the first step to bettering the your relationship with the 'tough dog' in your life!

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