Sunday, December 31, 2006

Outback Bowl and A Good Educations

I heard on the news that one of the TN team members will not be playing in this year's Outback Bowl. When I did a search to see the story behind this "academically ineligible" player, I found that a lot of players aren't playing because their academic downfalls.

I'm glad to see that Institutions are looking at the whole picture regarding these 'stars' of the football field. How many players have slipped through the cracks of the academic world because of the 'need' to have them play? How may school officials have turned and looked the other way when a young person's academic standing wasn't where it should be so that they could have a chance to play in what ever game was deemed important at the time? It's comforting to see that some seriousness has been placed on the educational guidelines of college sports.

Hey, I'm as much for notoriety as the next guy, but I'm also for people's futures and for fairness!

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