Wednesday, June 6, 2007

True Clean


I've been struggling with my tile floors forever. Since coming to Florida I've never seen so much tile; it's everywhere you look! In Massachusetts I lived with bare wood floors or wood floors covered with rugs. Here? Tile.

So, then came the quest of cleaining them, including the grout, which is colored and that much harder to clean. I've went through product after product. I used a hand held steamer which worked pretty good, but it was tough work! I got a floor scrubber which made the tiles look good, but the grout remained nasty.

I've lived here five years now and the tile floors are the worst part of this house. It's one of the main reasons I don't have people over (well, that and my huge, messy dogs), and it's been on my last nerve for the past few months.

I got an e-mail with an all natural solution and I decided to try it. I hate chemicals in my home and I do my darndest to not even buy them if I can help it, so this was a good thing for me to try.

So, what do you think?

This is before:

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AND THIS, is after:

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The secret? 3/4 cup of Arm and Hammer and 1/4 cup hot water. Mix it, scrub with a toothbursh, and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Wipe it up, mop it if you want, and voila!!!!!!

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